What Does Happiness Mean To You?

Image By Godo-Goday Via Flickr

I am trying to find meaning in my life. I am trying to be happy. This web page is a product of that. There is so much to see in the world, that I am trying to push hurt and anxiety away from myself to leave room for the hopefulness of those things. What makes you happy? What unburdens you and de-stresses your life?

A Day On The Beach To Clear Your Mind

Image by CCallan Via ifyoufeelalive.wordpress.com

I believe that one should look at beautiful things, because the things we surround ourselves with become we are and we perceive ourselves to be. God has created this earth for us to enjoy and bask it’s beauty. I am a New Yorker and I for one, have never seen a beach like this up close and personal. That is not to say that I do not love my New York beaches. It is where I go to be calm and at peace. My favorite places in the world really. Yet, there is something about this photo, when I found it that just excited me from it’s sheer beauty and the mood it creates. Can’t you just see yourself there? Because I can. My Mother and I love to go to the beach, and one of my dreams is to take her to a beach like this. Have you ever seen a beach like this? Would you like to go?

Please visit http://ifyoufeelalive.wordpress.com/ for more magnificent photos by CCallan.

And send me your beautiful photos to help inspire others!

What Is Life? A Peach!

Image by Andrew Mason Via Flickr

I have always loved reading about Native Americans. Ever since I was a child I was fascinated by them and wanted to grow up to be a Native American. Children!

I always have this quote in my mind, from Crowfoot, “What is life, is it the flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breathe of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset”.

Whenever I am at odds with myself, with life, I think about this often. I want to try and enjoy my life. I want people in my life that care about me. That want to be next to me all the time, before it is too late. What are the things you want in life? Are you able to stay happy while you are trying to obtain them? What are your secrets?

This Too Shall Pass

Image by John Morgan via Flickr

It was one of those days.  Rainy, dreary, the works. But I could not help but think that this too serves it’s purpose. That the earth needs the rain, that we need cloudy days in order to really appreciate the sun filled ones. It was hard for me to concentrate today, yet I made it through the day. I remember being a small girl, loving to read on rainy days. I hope you too can find meaning and powerful, motivating memories in gloomy days. Because this too shall pass.

What thoughts help you get through the rain?

Beauty Surrounds Us – C. Wayne Brown

Image by mrhayata Via Flickr

This is a page where I want everyone to send me stuff to help inspire others! I found this poem and the author was kind enough to allow me to use it! He is the first “guest inspirer”! Please enjoy this poem. The message is beautiful and ethereal. For more of his amazing poetry please visit him at http://heartfeltpoemsandinspirationalthoughts.wordpress.com/

A moon that is almost full, cast her satiny glow on all that lies in the darkness below
Wood smoke is wafting through the air caressing all the senses, like pleasant memories
We are reminded of all the beauties that surround us, and all that we have to be thankful for
In awe and admiration we with grateful hearts, give thanks for all that we have been given
© C. Wayne Brown

An Evening On The Beach

© All Rights Reserved to You Inspire Daily

I took this photo in the summer of 2010 on a Brooklyn beach (AKA The Borough By The Sea). It is one of my favorite photos ever! My Mom and I spent the entire day on the beach, it was hot and amazing. We took the photo past 7, I believe,  the tide had receded considerably, which made it seem that you could just walk into and keep walking forever into the ocean; and the evening had begun to spread out against the sky. The atmosphere was very relaxed and peaceful. I cherish this photo because it puts me right back in that place, in that mood and feeling. I can hear the ocean, the children playing, smell the saltwater and seaweed. Do you enjoy the beach as much as I do? Which beaches are your favorite? Send me your beach photos and I will post them as inspirations (with your credit, of course)!

A Rose By Any Other Name Would Smell As Sweet….

Image bylikeaduck Via Flickr

Did you know that there are more than 15,000 rose species? That almonds, pears, apples, cherries, peaches, plums and apricots are in the rose family? That rose petals are edible and taste like strawberries and green apples? YES! It’s all true.  Roses are versatile and beautiful. Their fragrance is heavenly and they symbolize love, hope and nature’s perfection. What is your favorite rose and color? Did you ever try rose flavored ice cream? Do you use rose perfumes, lotions and/or aftershave? I love everything about them. Nothing could be so beautiful as  a rising orange sun on a hot summer day, amongst a garden of roses. What do you roses remind you of?

The Hummingbird

Image by jeffreyw Via Flickr

Birds are always awe inspiring. I think of how they glide through the air and am awe struck. Naturally, the hummingbird comes to mind. Did you know that the hummingbird’s heart beats approximately 1200 times per minute? And that they have a favorite color? Yup! It’s red! Have you ever seen one in flight? Sipping nectar? Can you imagine the wonder of a heart beat faster than we can visually see? The beauty of is it astounding! Please enjoy more facts about hummingbirds here: http://www.worldofhummingbirds.com/facts.php